Saturday, November 24, 2012

Protective styling- XL Box braids (Solange, Poetic justice)

I feel soooo liberated! I did my own first set of Box braids! They took me forever, but it was so worth it. It took me 7 hours to do them , but that was because it was my first time, and there was a lot of putting in, then taking out, then putting them back in. I wanted them to still look somewhat professional, so I made sure to spend as much time as needed to get them the way that I wanted them. The best part about it, it only cost me $10 bucks for the hair!.

Here are some reasons why I chose to do them myself:

  • The cost was significally cheaper
  • I would't want to keep them in too long
  • I was not in pain after I did them
  • I did them exactly how I wanted them done
  • I didn't pull on my hair, so there was no damage

Want to see how they turned out... take a looksie!

  • Have you ever installed braids on your own?
  • What type of hair did you use?
  • What length do you prefer?
  • Color or no Color?


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